Brad = Bunny

Merc = Love of my life = LOML

LOML sounded out sounds like llama therefore Merc = Llama

Yes, we are weird... And gross... And speaking of llamas...

This is what a happy llama looks like:

This llama is confused:

This llama is also confused:

This is control-freak llama:

Last, but not least, may I present to you the dolly llama:


BTW GG = Gossip Girl!

Blair calls Serena "S" + Serena calls Blair "B" so being that Casey + I are hopelessly hooked on GG we now refer to each other as "C" + "M". I know... I know... Gross, huh? Anyhow, C + I are always chugging warm tasty bevvys so I thought these super cute monogrammed mugs were well appropo! :)


My bus driver today handed me a gum package flap and told me to use it. I was confused for a second b/c he said "Excuse me miss can you take this?" I said "Sure", thinking it was garbage he wanted me to throw away, until he told me to use it, so I took a closer look and saw he handed me his name + number. Heh! I called Brad right after the incident. I'm thoroughly amused! Thanks for making my day bus dood! Unfortunately for you, I got a man! A handsome one at that! :)