i wanted to get him a new phone as his b-day present since his contract is up + current treo is kind of clunky/junky + i need a new phone since my screen is cracked. we both have been surfing for mobile deals + decided to get palm pre's + hop on sprint's killer unlimited data family plan. after his becu discount our phone bill would come to $50 bux a month per person w/ 1500 shared mins + unlimited mobile-to-mobile + unlimited data/text. we called a bunch of seattle metro area best buys + radio shacks to cash-in on the instant palm pre rebate, but no one has 'em in stock! wtf dammit! grr! the best buy guys also said they could not get any shipped in from locations that did have them in-stock so weak sauce all around! :/ if i want our palm pre's i'm either going to have to throw down that extra $200 bux or wait until pig fly or some shit. bleh!
best buy palm pre inventory query for the seattle metro area: not available aka weak sauce!
(called around + was also informed the southcenter best buy would not be carrying the palm pre at all)
radio shack doesn't even list the palm pre in their online inventory: zip!
UPDATE: 2009-07-14
Brad's Treo konked out on him yesterday so we called all the Seattle metro Best Buy's + Radio Shacks. Low and behold, downtown Radio Shack had a couple in stock. We picked up two of the LAST Palm Pre's @ the downtown Radio Shack yesterday! Neener! Neener!